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Please click on one of these--> subpages to be taken to that choral work. 

     It was in 1995 when My Catherine – and an extraordinary director -- came over to me and said, “You need to do this.”  She is generally not nearly so bossy, so I paid attention.  It was an ad in a choral journal announcing a choral song competition.  Within a few days I pursued an idea that “came to mind,” submitted it, and I remember exactly where I was when I received the call that made me a Paid Songwriter.  😊  It was a huge kick to see a 350-voice youth choir sing the song.  [And yes, I still have the T-shirt.]  😉  The director, Dr. John Paul Johnson, then at Southwest Texas State University [later at University of Kansas], graciously put me in touch with Brian Busch, who worked for Warner Brothers at the time and went on to found BriLee Music.  Brian helped me publish that first song, and his successor published another in quick succession.  I remain grateful to them all...

     I am just beginning to make these songs available online, and there are all types of voicings for different occasions, mostly original works, but some arrangements with original work mixed in.  I trust they will bless you and your choir members.  You can either listen to them here on the site or the YouTube Music Channel here:  There will be many more coming, so please let me know if you’d like to be on a mailing list. Thank you in advance for your support!!!

     The first subpage that was posted was Real Men Sing, TB/TTBB, a humorous song about why we sing, why others don’t – and why they’re so fortunate to have us.  😊 We've received numerous orders around the country for this one and are getting some very positive feedback.  We're grateful!

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