Pay the Price for the Moment
"You get the message in church, but you get the moments at home . . . In order to have a moment you have to pay the price." - T.D. Jakes...
Be a Peacemaker
Mt 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. (NKJV) Do what YOU can do today. Many pray for the peace of...
Prayers and Thanks for Authority
I posted this passage -- and a derivative of this post -- right after the election, but it serves well today as a reminder: "Therefore, I...
Known and Prized
"We are known and prized by majesty." - Louis Giglio
Be Legendary. Be Great.
I wrote yesterday of Coach Swinney's "Only God can do this" quote, but there was another statement attributed to the Clemson QB Watson...
"Only God Can Do This"
I was inspired by some of the comments that were made re: the Clemson/Bama game. [Bear with me.] One was by the Clemson coach, Dabo...
Spiritual Courage
"Spiritual #courage is the high heart that sees the #difficulty and faces it. That is the courage that is valuable to God." - Oswald...
The Safety of the Consuming Fire
Mt 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for next to nothing? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. 30 But the...
"Let Us Seek Him . . . "
This one's a little longer than usual -- but seemed appropriate for a new year . . . "If you have lost your hunger for God, if you do not...
God helps / He empowers
"If God does not help us, we are of no good for this world's need . . . But as we spend time alone with God and cry to Him to bless us,...