Be My Inspiration
“I never undertake a hymn without first asking the good Lord to be my inspiration in the work that I am about to do.” – prolific hymn...
From Ordinary to Important Service
"Everyone, no matter how successful, started out as an ordinary person. At some point, the paths of the great leaders and champions...
The work -- and its depth
"The work will never go deeper than we have gone ourselves." - Amy Carmichael
Exceptional in the Ordinary
"We have the idea that God is going to do some exceptional thing, that He is preparing and fitting us for some extraordinary thing by and...
"Imparting Faith and Hope"
"Discouragement is the devil's device to deprive saints of heart and hope. In order for discouragement to succeed, he must persuade...
Confidence in Him
"What you must do is have the devotion and confidence to believe that He will not fail and cannot fail. You will never get anywhere if...
Powerless -- so that He can work
"The bedrock of Christianity does not lie in vowing or in strength of will . . . but simply the recognition of the fact that I have not...
Valentine's Day for singles
Happy Val's Day to those of you who don't have someone special in your life. Don't let things get to you: Your time will come. In the...
The Shade of His Hand
" . . If there is darkness spiritually it is much more likely to be the shade of God's hand than darkness on account of sin; it may be...
Negativity -- we're agin it. ;)
"Negativity is satan's language spoken by those who have his perspective." - Mark Allen #negativity #perspective Phil 4:8 "Finally...