Give Him an Opportunity
"He is always more willing to work than we are to give Him an opportunity to work." – Smith Wigglesworth 2 Chron 16:9 "For the eyes of...
"The Heavens Declare His Glory..."
After all this rain, it just has that Noah-after-the-flood look to it – or maybe it just feels that way… \0/ Ps 19:1 The heavens declare...
Pleasing to the Ears of God
“Everything that God has created is like an orchestra praising Him. ‘All Your works shall praise You.’ [Ps 145.10] In the ear of God...
Slay a Grousing Mood
“If we only praise when we feel like praising, it is simply an undisciplined expression, but if we deliberately go over the neck of our...
Mastery in Circumstances
"The fiery furnaces are there by God's direct permission. It is misleading to imagine that we are developed in spite of our...
A Good Dizzy
"As long as you're on God's wheel, it's a good dizzy." - Pastor Bob Nichols
Hope Against Hope
“A man full of faith hopes against hope.” - Smith Wigglesworth And there are just too many passages to replicate here, so here’s a...
Wise with God
“A wise person who has built his life in confidence in God will appear a fool when he is among people who are sleek and cunning. . . If...
A Good Year's Coming!
"Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy. Though one goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed, he will surely come back...
Never Ordinary
"God never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His...